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Aerial image 219370
The Sondershausen Castle in Thuringia is at the center of the city near the Lohpark. The sight in the neo-classical style was once the residence of the princes of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Today the castle is used as a palace and city museum and part of the Thuringian Foundation of Palaces and Gardens


Sondershausen from above - The Sondershausen Castle in Thuringia is at the center of the city near the Lohpark. The sight in the neo-classical style was once the residence of the princes of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Today the castle is used as a palace and city museum and part of the Thuringian Foundation of Palaces and Gardens
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The Sondershausen Castle in Thuringia is at the center of the city near the Lohpark. The sight in the neo-classical style was once the residence of the princes of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Today the castle is used as a palace and city museum and part of the Thuringian Foundation of Palaces and Gardens. / Photo: Karina Hessland

Aerial image ID: 219370
Image resolution: 4020 x 2724 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 5,48 MB
Image file size: 31,33 MB
Sources and credit: © Hessland

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