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Aerial photograph 218783
The shore area of the Rhine in Mainz-Kastel district. To the left Reduit the barracks. On the right side the Maaraue peninsula with water protection police station Kastel. In the background, residential areas are foreseen. The district is located in Wiesbaden in Hesse

WIESBADEN 09.04.2009

Wiesbaden from the bird's eye view: The shore area of the Rhine in Mainz-Kastel district. To the left Reduit the barracks. On the right side the Maaraue peninsula with water protection police station Kastel. In the background, residential areas are foreseen. The district is located in Wiesbaden in Hesse
Thematically related aerial photos

The shore area of the Rhine in Mainz-Kastel district. To the left Reduit the barracks. On the right side the Maaraue peninsula with water protection police station Kastel. In the background, residential areas are foreseen. The district is located in Wiesbaden in Hesse. Photo: Alfons Rath

Aerial image ID: 218783
Image resolution: 3504 x 2336 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 5,85 MB
Image file size: 23,42 MB
Sources and credit: © Rath

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