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Aerial image 291204
Rock and mountain landscape with Colorado River in Canyonlands National Park in Utah, United States of America. Fine particles of mud and algae - suspended matter - gives the Colorado River its colour. Particularly when in full flow the river carries a lot of sand and rubble. This has allowed it to carve its mean ders deeper and deeper into the rock strata of the Colorado Plateau over tens of thousands of years


Aerial image Canyonlands National Park - Rock and mountain landscape with Colorado River in Canyonlands National Park in Utah, United States of America. Fine particles of mud and algae - suspended matter - gives the Colorado River its colour. Particularly when in full flow the river carries a lot of sand and rubble. This has allowed it to carve its mean ders deeper and deeper into the rock strata of the Colorado Plateau over tens of thousands of years

Rock and mountain landscape with Colorado River in Canyonlands National Park in Utah, United States of America. Fine particles of mud and algae - suspended matter - gives the Colorado River its colour. Particularly when in full flow the river carries a lot of sand and rubble. This has allowed it to carve its mean ders deeper and deeper into the rock strata of the Colorado Plateau over tens of thousands of years. Restriction: No POD - Print on Demand uses allowed! Photo: Bernhard Edmaier

Aerial image ID: 291204
Image resolution: 5459 x 3780 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 11,82 MB
Image file size: 59,04 MB
Sources and credit: © Edmaier

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