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Aerial image 342578
Riparian zones on the course of the river of the Loire in Varennes sur Loire in Pays de la Loire, France. In the riverbed there are always changing sandbanks. In the background the cooling towers of the nuclear power station Chinon


Varennes sur Loire from above - Riparian zones on the course of the river of the Loire in Varennes sur Loire in Pays de la Loire, France. In the riverbed there are always changing sandbanks. In the background the cooling towers of the nuclear power station Chinon

Riparian zones on the course of the river of the Loire in Varennes sur Loire in Pays de la Loire, France. In the riverbed there are always changing sandbanks. In the background the cooling towers of the nuclear power station Chinon. Photo: Alfons Rath

Aerial image ID: 342578
Image resolution: 5616 x 3744 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 3,73 MB
Image file size: 60,16 MB
Sources and credit: © Rath

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