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Aerial image 149532
Das Gelände des Bayer CropScience Konzerns, der aus der Pflanzenschutzsparte der TERRITORY CTR GmbH un der Aventis CropScience hervor ging. Das Unternehmen ist auf Agrochemie spezialisiert und befasst sich unter andrem mit Pflanzenschutz und Biochemie. Areal of the Bayer CropScience group developed from the crop protection sector of the TERRITORY CTR GmbH and the Aventis CropScience. It is specialised on agricultural chemistry and works on crop protection and biological chemistry.


Aerial image Monheim am Rhein - Das Gelände des Bayer CropScience Konzerns, der aus der Pflanzenschutzsparte der TERRITORY CTR GmbH un der Aventis CropScience hervor ging. Das Unternehmen ist auf Agrochemie spezialisiert und befasst sich unter andrem mit Pflanzenschutz und Biochemie. Areal of the Bayer CropScience group developed from the crop protection sector of the TERRITORY CTR GmbH and the Aventis CropScience. It is specialised on agricultural chemistry and works on crop protection and biological chemistry. Photo: Elmar Hartmann

Aerial image ID: 149532
Image resolution: 3744 x 2983 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 4,57 MB
Image file size: 31,95 MB
Sources and credit: © Hartmann

The recording is permitted due to the so-called freedom of panorama according to § 59 UrhG. The provision of Section 59 UrhG conforms to the directive based on Art. 5 Para. 3 Letter c of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 22, 2001 on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related property rights in the information society ("InfoSoc-RL") to be interpreted. The directive-compliant interpretation shows that aerial photographs are also covered by § 59 Para. 1 UrhG and the use of tools does not lead out of the protective barrier.