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Aerial image 231426
Castle in the West of Nackenheim in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The borough and municipiality is located in the county district of Mainz-Bingen, on the left riverbank of the Rhine. The official tourist resort is an important wine-growing village in the Rhine Hesse region and surrounded by fields and vineyards. The castle is located in a forest in the South of railway tracks and in the West of the village centre

BODENHEIM 19.05.2011

Bodenheim from above - Castle in the West of Nackenheim in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The borough and municipiality is located in the county district of Mainz-Bingen, on the left riverbank of the Rhine. The official tourist resort is an important wine-growing village in the Rhine Hesse region and surrounded by fields and vineyards. The castle is located in a forest in the South of railway tracks and in the West of the village centre

Castle in the West of Nackenheim in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The borough and municipiality is located in the county district of Mainz-Bingen, on the left riverbank of the Rhine. The official tourist resort is an important wine-growing village in the Rhine Hesse region and surrounded by fields and vineyards. The castle is located in a forest in the South of railway tracks and in the West of the village centre. Photo: Alfons Rath

Aerial image ID: 231426
Image resolution: 5616 x 3744 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 14,04 MB
Image file size: 60,16 MB
Sources and credit: © Rath

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