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Aerial photograph 209057
Around the former Augustinian monastery of Gotha in Thuringia - at the Augustiner Strasse, Monastery Road, Blumenbach road and Fritzelsgasse was built in the 80s of the last century an inner city residential area. In the center of the multi-family homes is the centuries-old monastery church that is today used as a Protestant parish church. The church and the cloister obtained are built in the Gothic style. Luther preached here as an Augustinian monk

GOTHA 23.06.2013

Aerial photograph Gotha - Around the former Augustinian monastery of Gotha in Thuringia - at the Augustiner Strasse, Monastery Road, Blumenbach road and Fritzelsgasse was built in the 80s of the last century an inner city residential area. In the center of the multi-family homes is the centuries-old monastery church that is today used as a Protestant parish church. The church and the cloister obtained are built in the Gothic style. Luther preached here as an Augustinian monk

Around the former Augustinian monastery of Gotha in Thuringia - at the Augustiner Strasse, Monastery Road, Blumenbach road and Fritzelsgasse was built in the 80s of the last century an inner city residential area. In the center of the multi-family homes is the centuries-old monastery church that is today used as a Protestant parish church. The church and the cloister obtained are built in the Gothic style. Luther preached here as an Augustinian monk. Photo: Karina Hessland

Aerial image ID: 209057
Image resolution: 4752 x 3090 pixels x 24 bit
compressed image file size: 9,33 MB
Image file size: 42,01 MB
Sources and credit: © Hessland

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